Foster,John《1000 INDIE POSTERS》作品简介与读书感悟










提示词:探月moon exploration

Dear Jim


Li Hua







Dear Jim。

How is everything going these days? Having received your letter about the moon exploration,I’m more than jubilant to have a discussion with you.


The moon has large quantities of implied meanings in Chinese culture. In the eyes of idyllic,optimistic and open-minded people,the image of the moon has become a symbol of elegance and leisure. The round shape of the moon also symbolizes family reunion. In China,on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar,the moon in full and it is a big day for us to enjoy the full moon and the hours of the family gatherings. I raise my eyes to the moon,bow my heads and think of home. Bright moon,when did you appear? Lifting my wine,I question the dark night sky. These poems,which are everlasting in the history of literature,tell us the literati’s infinite yearning for hometown,relatives and friends. Besides,the moon implies the eternity of time and space,which conveys how short and small life is. It indeed is an eternal witness to the vicissitudes of the world.

From my perspective of view,the moon exploration is of great significance to mankind. In October 2007 and October 2010,China successfully launched Chang &39;e-2,the technological leader of the second phase of its lunar exploration program,respectively,ranking among the countries with deep space exploration capabilities. Initially,the lunar exploration project will make preparations for the exploitation and utilization of lunar resources by human beings. What’s more,it can promote the in-depth observation and research of space astronomy. Last but not the least,the moon exploration project,I believe,inspires young people,like you and me,to study hard and make contributions to the country.

What do you think of my views? Drop me a line at your convenience. I’m looking forward to your earliest reply and sincerely invite you to have the Mid-Autumn Festival with me this year.

《昆虫记》是法国杰出昆虫学家,文学家法布尔的传世佳作,亦是一部不朽的世界名著。著名作家巴金说:“它熔作者毕生研究成果和人生感悟于一炉,以人性观察虫性,将昆虫世界化作供人类获得知识,趣味,美感和思想的美文。” 作者把毕生从事昆虫。

Yours,Li Hua


Last week,I made one of life's most momentous decisions,which proved to be a meaningful experience.

When having dinner with my parents one day,I brought up the subject on my major to study. We had a deep discussion about it,where my parents offered practical suggestions and encouraged me to do what I really wanted to. With some thoughts in mind,I decided to look for further information.

In the following days,老舍简介及作品简介,I buried myself in an online search for universities and majors suitable for me. Choosing a college major was so hard—you needed to be clear about your strengths and weaknesses,figure out what you might be interested in pursuing,and set a relatively specific career goal. A whole week passed,yet I still could not come up with an idea.

In the end,a TV program inspired me. On May 4th,Youth Day,Network News Broadcast presented a 2-hour special,which appealed to China’s young people to foster strong ideals and build up capabilities to shoulder the responsibilities in the new era. Sitting on the sofa,with my parents beside me,I couldn’t help thinking of the people from all walks of life for their response to the COVID-19 fight,whose sincerity and dedication showed the keen sense of responsibility. It was then that I told my parents that I was determined to major in preventive medicine,for I wanted to devote myself to the course of nation development. On hearing that,both my parents gave me their thumbs-up,smiles on their faces.

The future of the nation lies in the youth. Now,I am full of enthusiasm and motivation to work even harder in the rest of my high school life,and in the time ahead.


第一节(15 分)

假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国好友Jim 在做关于“中学生做家务”的调查,想了解你做家务的情况。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:

1) 你平时做哪些家务;

2) 你对中学生做家务的看法。注意: 1.词数不少于50;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jim。

Yours,Li Hua

第二节(20 分)


注意:词数不少于 60。


第一节 (15 分)

假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国好友 Jim 从书上看到了中国学生做 “课间操”的图片,向你询问有关情况。请你给他回复邮件,介绍相关信息,内容包括:

1) 课间操的基本情况(时间、次数…);

2) 你们做课间操的感受。

注意:1. 词数不少于 50;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

提示词:课间操 exercise between classes

Dear Jim。

Yours,Li Hua

第二节 (20 分)


注意:词数不少于 60。


One Possible Version

Dear Jim。

How is everything going? I am glad to hear from you. In your letter,you mentioned the photo you saw in the book,where we Chinese students are doing “exercise between classes”. Learning that you want to know more about what it is,I feel very pleased to tell you more about it.

As a daily routine,doing exercise is an essential part of our school life,which is conducted between classes every day. So it is called “exercise between classes” in China.

Designed especially for primary and middle school students,exercise between classes contains some basic movements like jumping,moving,running,clapping,and kicking. Usually we do it between the second and the third classes in the morning,at the same pace to the music,which lasts 20 minutes.

As far as I am concerned,it is necessary and beneficial to do exercise between classes. First of all,as the famous saying goes,&34; To maintain physical fitness and overall health,we must involve ourselves in regular sports practice. What’s more,we can keep a pleasant mood by doing exercise regularly. Besides,by attending the exercise,we learn more about teamwork and discipline.

If you have any further questions,just let me know.

Yours,Li Hua


第二节(20 分)

One Possible Version

Last week,I,together with some of my classmates,participated in an activity held by our school’s Association of Biology whose theme was “Planting Vegetables”,which proved to be an unforgettable and fulfilling experience.

Having been fully prepared,we all gathered at our garden plot and started to take an action. We attentively sowed the seeds into the field,wishing that they would flourish day by day. During the next few days,we came to see them on schedule,watered them,and exactly wrote down their growth diaries. As we expected,they sprouted and grew up with great energy,and at the end of the whole process,we gained a good harvest. No sooner had we picked up the cabbage we had looked after well,than we all smiled delightedly. Our monitor took some pictures in order to memorize this amazing moment.

During this activity,not only did we enrich our knowledge about planting the vegetable,but we were also aware of the hard work our farmers had paid out. And,of course,whenever we think of this experience,we will always be reminded again about that hard work always pays off.






3. 疫情给你带来的思考。



提示词:新冠病毒 novel coronavirus;

Dear Jim。


Li Hua



注意:1. 词数不少于60;3

2. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

提示词:模拟法庭 moot court

作品在夹叙夹议中,表现出对反动、守旧势力的打击和嘲讽。 朝花夕拾》读后感 鲁迅的名字,是家喻户晓的。读到他的文章,却是在课本里,课文叫做《从百草园到三味书屋》,是散文集《朝花夕拾》中的一篇文章。鲁迅在我的心目中,一直以来都是。

Legal Awareness Week was opened in our school. A series of activities were carried out.


三、One possible version

Dear Jim。

I do understand how you feel. The outbreak of novel coronavirus is a big challenge to every one of us. Please don’t be so anxious. With everybody standing together,I’m sure we can defeat the virus.

We can do our bit in this battle! I’d like to share what I have done in the past three months. To help prevent the virus from spreading,I have responded to the government’s call and stayed at home with my families. While keeping an eye on the situation,I have been studying with the help of the online course offered by our school. Communicating with my teachers and classmates online,I have never felt lonely. Besides,I have kept on doing some inside sports to keep fit and helped my mom with the housework.

Not going out is my way to fight the virus. Thinking of the medical staff,we have no reason not to discipline ourselves. We need to thank them and at the same time,treasure our life.

Please take care of yourself. Keep calm and carry on!


Li Hua



四、One possible version

Legal Awareness Week was opened in our school. A series of activities were carried out.

On Monday morning,an expert was invited to our school and delivered a lecture on law knowledge. We learned about the basic rules of law and some legal cases from the lecture. After that we got down to making some posters. We put up the posters on the bulletin board,aiming to enhance the understanding of laws.

The next day,we took part in a moot court to experience what a real trial was like. Several students acted as judges and lawyers,having a heated argument about legal issues. The vivid presentation on the moot court drew us closer to the law.

A class meeting was held as scheduled on Friday. We shared what we had learned during the week. All of us expressed that we had deepened the understanding of the law and it was of great importance to raise our legal awareness.

Foster,John《1000 INDIE POSTERS》作品简介与读书感悟


第一节(15 分)

假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的美国笔友 Jim 对中国文化十分感兴趣,你在英文 报纸 China Daily 上看到 “中华文化表情包设计大赛 (The China Daily Emoji Design Contest of Chinese Cultural Symbols)” 征集来自世界各地参赛作品的活动,请给他写一封邮件,邀 请他参加投稿,内容包括:

1. 介绍稿件要求;

2. 告知投稿时间和方式;

3. 询问对方意向。

注意: 1. 词数不少于 50;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

第二节 (20 分) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,为校刊 “英语园地”

写一篇短文,讲述你在这个寒假居家自主学习的过程。 注意:词数不少于 60。


三、One possible version:

GARNET CROW的作品以“neo acoustic”作为主要的风格。在出道时,他们把自己的音乐性质称为“21世纪形态的neo acoustic”。最初作品是1999年Indies地下乐团时的迷你专辑,直到2000年才以双出道单曲的模式正式出道。最初作风神秘,完全不上电视。

Dear Jim。

I am writing to tell you about The China Daily Emoji Design Contest of Chinese Cultural Symbols organized by China Daily. I know you’re keen on traditional Chinese culture,so why not have a try?

Foster,John《1000 INDIE POSTERS》作品简介与读书感悟

You may choose any symbol that best represents Chinese culture in your eyes,such as the panda,kung fu,the Great Wall and so on. There is no limit on the style,but be sure to give your work a name and explain designing ideasand its culture meanings. Your work should besubmitted online with required personal information by the end of September. All winning designs will be shared and promoted on the China Daily app,andwinning designers will receive prizes!

Are you interested? If you need any help,I would be very glad to help. Let your creative juices flow!

Yours,Li Hua


四、 One possible version:

Foster,John《1000 INDIE POSTERS》作品简介与读书感悟

At the beginning of the vacation,I made a detailed learning plan. I first listed the learning tasks for the following days and then made plans in great details to ensure that they are practical and feasible. Then I started learning as scheduled. With the learning materials piled on my desk,I was always in high spirit every day. To my delight,I could carry out the plan strictly.

Whenever I met with difficulties,I turned to my teachers and classmates for help through the Internet. Thanks to the convenient video chat app,I could get my problems solved in time,which guaranteed my learning in a right and smooth way. At the end of the vacation,I had a systematic revision of previous lessons,and gained more confidence in weak subjects. My parents also took notice of my progress and gave me a thumb up for my self-discipline.

I had a great sense of accomplishment because my autonomous learning ability was cultivated,which I believe will have a far-reaching influence on me.




1. 你每天的学习安排;

2. 你的收获。

注意:1. 词数不少于50;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jim。



Li Hua



注意: 词数不少于60。

提示词:3D打印机 3D printer


One possible version:

Dear Jim。

Thanks for your concern and I’m glad to share my experience of e-learning.

My day begins from 8 am. I have online lessons in the morning following the school schedule. Can you believe we even have indoor P.E. classes to keep fit? In the afternoon,I read,review or preview my lessons according to my plan. In case of problems,I will ask my teachers for help or discuss with my classmates online.

Compared with classroom learning,e-learning requires self-discipline. Encouraged by my teachers and parents,I’ve become more disciplined and learned to manage time more effectively.


Li Hua


One possible version:

In the morning,we set off for a technology company. An engineer there welcomed us and gave a lecture on 3D printing,introducing its history,development and application in fields like architecture,medicine,etc. Then he showed us how the 3D printer works. We were amazed at the magic of technology and couldn’t wait to give it a try. Our group first designed a 3D model of a bike and then operated the printer as instructed. Watching the bike gradually taking shape,we felt excited. When all our works were displayed on the table,we admired them and some took photos to record this unforgettable experience.

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