VickiRobin《Your Money or Your Life》作品简介与读书感悟


A 28-year-old who retired with $2.25 million shares the secret to saving



After seven years of working in the corporate world,one New York City-based twenty-something had a nest egg big enough to retire early.


重点(nest有鸟巢,喔的意思,在nest egg固定搭配,表示储蓄金)

She goes by the pen name J.P. Livingston on her blog The Money Habit,where she discusses how she had financial independence on the mind from an early age. When she was only 12,she picked up a copy of the personal finance classic “Rich Dad,Poor Dad,” which sparked her interest in saving and investing.

她在自己的博客《金钱习惯》(the Money Habits)中用笔名J.P.Livingston,在那里她讨论了自己从小就有经济独立的想法。12岁那年,她拿起一本个人理财经典名著《富爸爸,穷爸爸》,老舍简介及作品简介,激发了她对储蓄和投资的兴趣。,

重点(pike up 拿起,挑选,接...上车)

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fire生活即F.I.R.E Financial Independence Retire Early,这是一种无债一身轻加上健康的储蓄利率,明智的低费用投资,生活重于金钱的生活方式。Financial Independence 财务自由 不再需要为钱而烦恼,有足够的储蓄金和睡后。

When she realized she could save big by finishing college in three years,she jumped on the opportunity. Graduating a year early “really helped me financially,” she tells CNBC Make It. “It saved me a year of tuition and gave me a year’s worth of extra income,and between the two things,that’s a $150,000 net worth swing.”


当她意识到三年内读完大学可以省下一大笔钱时,她抓住了这个机会。提前一年毕业“真的帮了我经济上的忙”,她告诉CNBC Make It。“这为我省下了一年的学费,也给了我一年的额外收入,介于这两件事之间,那就是15万美元的净值波动。”


重点(sth+save sb 某事为某人节省多少钱)

After graduating,Livingston took a job at an investment firm,where the starting pay was $60,000,plus an end-of-year bonus that was almost the same amount. Total: just over $100,000. She received several raises in the years following,and by the end of her career,Livingston was making mid-six figures.


After seven years of stashing more than 70 percent of her income,she built a nest egg of $2.25 million,40 percent of which came from investing and 60 percent from saving. It was enough for her to quit and settle down at age 28.

链接: 提取码: 1jsg 书名:Your Money or Your Life 作者:Vicki Robin 豆瓣评分:8.0 出版社:Penguin Books 出版年份:2008-12 页数:368 内容简介:"The semi。

VickiRobin《Your Money or Your Life》作品简介与读书感悟


重点(settle down 定居,安顿下来;(历经磨难或变化后)平定下来,平静下来;集中精力做;在这里可以理解为辞职、退休)

Today,she lives in New York City with her husband,who still works,and dog. They live off a modest $65,000 per year,which allows them to maintain a high savings rate.

今天,她和她丈夫和一条狗生活在纽约,她丈夫仍在工作。他们每年靠6.5万美元的微薄生活,这使他们能够保持较高的储蓄率。重点(live off 依靠.....过日子;modest adj.些许的;不太大(或太贵、太重要等)的;谦虚的;谦逊的;庄重的;朴素的;)

Livingston made a lot of money,but she also used a variety of strategies to save big over the years,such as tracking her spending and automating her savings,but it was one mental trick that made the biggest difference: Think about purchases in terms of cost per hour.


重点(biggest difference 最大改变,最大区别,也指最大效果;in terms of 在…方面;从…角度看;根据…来说)


“To achieve a high savings rate,start viewing your purchases in terms of units of your time rather than dollars,” she tells CNBC Make It. “So instead of saying a new unlocked iPhone costs $800,you might do the math to figure out it would cost you 60 hours of work,or a week and a half of your life.”

VickiRobin《Your Money or Your Life》作品简介与读书感悟

她告诉CNBC Make It:“要想获得高储蓄率,就要开始以时间单位而不是美元来看待你的购买行为。”。“因此,与其说一部新的iPhone花费你800美元,不如算一下,它会让你付出60小时的工作时间,或是一周半的生命。”


“This is great for big purchases,” says Livingston. “To buy a home with an extra bedroom or one with fancier finishings might cost you $50,000 or $100,000. Is that worth working three extra years to you?”


重点(fancier adj.异常复杂的;有精美装饰的;绚丽的;花哨的;昂贵的;奢华的; finishings n 饰面;注意和finsh的动名词区分)

这是她在维基·罗宾和乔·多明格斯(Vicki Robin)和乔·多明格斯(Joe Dominguez)的《你的钱还是你的生活》(Your Money or Your Life)中第一次了解到这个概念,这本书是其他白手起家的年轻百万富翁认可的个人理财经典。

In terms of more concrete steps you can take to up your savings,identify your biggest expenses and cut back on them,says Livingston: “Look at your top one or two line items — the top line item will probably be rent — and make a compromise there.”

FIRE 运动起源于90年代的一本书 Your Money or Your life by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin.这本书激励千禧一代改变他们与金钱的关系,谨慎地生活和花钱,消除债务,及早存钱,积累财富。更好地掌控你的财务状况,摆脱激烈的竞争,最终按照。


1.高尔基《童年》好词好句好段,读书感悟,主要内容 好词: 美不胜收、神采奕奕、气喘吁吁、色彩斑驳、震耳欲聋、司空见惯、绘声绘色、吹毛求疵、惴惴不安、悲悯、婀娜、踉跄、自言自语、小心翼翼、摇摇欲坠、黑黢黢、汗涔涔出类拔萃。

And if your earnings increase,keep your living arrangements modest anyway,she advises.


Even after building a multi-million dollar nest egg,Livingston and her husband still chose to live in a 325-square-foot apartment until recently. Now that they have a baby on the way,they’ve moved to a bigger place. But if you want to save more than half your income,try living big in a small home.

即使是在积攒了数百万美元的储蓄金之后,利文斯顿和丈夫直到最近仍然选择住在325平方英尺的公寓里。现在他们要生孩子了,他们搬到了一个更大的地方。但如果你想把一半以上的收入存起来,那就试着住尽量小房子吧。重点(on the way将要,在来的路上;try living big in a small home 字面意思是,试着把大东西放在小房子里,意思是尽量将就着住在小房子里)

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