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大卫菲利浦威特人物,胡安·德·佛兰德斯 乔安娜肖像 Portrait of Joan the Mad 维也纳艺术史博物馆



帮忙选下列其中三部名著,写出书的内容简介、精彩片段、读书感悟! 《西游记》、《水浒传》、《朝花夕拾》、《骆驼祥子》、《繁星春水》《鲁滨孙漂流记》、《童年》(高尔基)、《名人传》(罗曼罗兰)、《格列佛游记》、《钢铁是怎样炼成的。




《我是猫》读书心得感悟与体会1 《我是猫》是日本著名的作家夏目漱石的处女作,发表于1905年。作者在书中以猫的身份来观察生活。这是一只善于思索、有见识、富于正义感、但至死也没有学会抓老鼠的猫。它观察着当时的人们,发出了自己对。





作者:罗贯中 主要内容:三国演义写的是东汉末年群雄纷争,三国鼎立的故事,三国演义里有很多纷繁错杂的人物,他们的性格各有特点。好词:一臂之力、一亲芳泽、七步成诗、三顾茅庐、下笔成章、不出所料、不由分说。好句。

Master of the Magdalen Legend,约活跃于1483-1527





The son of Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I by his first wife Mary,Philip was less than four years old when his mother died,and upon her death,he inherited the greater part of the Duchy of Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands as Philip IV. In 1496,his father arranged for him to marry Joanna of Castile,second daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella,rulers of Aragon and Castile respectively. Around the same time,Philip's sister Margaret was given in marriage to Joanna's brother John,as part of an agreement between their fathers. Within four years after the wedding,Joanna became heir presumptive to Aragon and Castile,following the deaths of her brother,elder sister and infant nephew during that period. In 1504,aged 27,Philip became king of Castile jure uxoris when his mother-in-law died and Joanna succeeded her. He died only two years later,leaving his wife distraught with grief.

《爱的教育》读书笔记15 一、内容简介: 这本书是一个意大利男孩安利柯用自己的日记来讲述了日常生活中的学校和家庭关系,老师和学生关系以及父母兄弟姐妹之间的爱。每一种爱都不是惊天动地的,但却感人肺腑,引人沉思。整部小说以一个。

Philip was the first Habsburg monarch in Spain,and is the progenitor of every later monarch of Spain,even up to today. He died before his father,and therefore never inherited his father's territories or became Holy Roman Emperor. However,his son Emperor Charles V eventually united the Habsburg,Burgundian,Castilian,and Aragonese inheritances. Philip holds a special place in Habsburg history because he was the pivot around which the dynasty acquired a large portion of its extensive lands. By inheriting Burgundy from his mother (which included present-day Netherlands,Belgium and parts of France) and by acquiring much of Spain and its possessions in the New World by marriage to Joanna,Philip was instrumental in vastly enhancing the territories of the Habsburgs,and his progeny would dominate European history for the next two centuries.

Philip's wife Joanna was an elder sister to Catherine of Aragon,who married successively the brothers Arthur,Prince of Wales and King Henry VIII of England. However,Philip died before Catherine and Henry were married. He did once visit England,and the young Prince Henry was much impressed with him. Indeed,Henry is said to have regarded Philip as providing a model of leadership towards which he aspired.


菲利普一世肖像 Portrait of Philip the Fair 荷兰国立博物馆

菲利普国王半身像 König Philipp I. der Schöne Brustbild 维也纳艺术史博物馆


卡斯蒂利亚的菲利普一世肖像 Portrait of Philip I of Castile 荷兰豪斯贝格城堡

1 一个原本普通的母亲,因为有了一个双腿残疾的儿子而备受煎熬。遭受打击的儿子,原本只以为这煎熬是属于他的,后来他才明白这煎熬在他的母亲那里是成倍地增加。双腿残疾后,史铁生一下子被击垮了,他愤怒、狂躁,怨天尤人。

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